5 reasons why oral health should be your priority!

Still wondering how to improve your life in 2018? The answer is: start with your mouth. Committing to taking care of your oral health is a simple step you can take to ensure more than just a bright smile. Here are five reasons why oral health should be your priority.

5 reasons why oral health should be your priority!

1. It takes minimal effort
Brushing and flossing twice a day is a routine activity that doesn't require much thought.

2. A healthy smile ensures self-confidence
Research published in the Journal of Community Health Nursing found that those with poor oral and dental health also have low self-esteem.

3. Oral health is the key to overall health
Heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia, diabetes - you want to avoid all of these, right? Did you know that gum disease is linked to all of these and more?

4. Your healthy gums will benefit those you love
Did you know that gum disease is contagious? A kiss or a bite from the same fork could put your loved ones at risk.

5. New oral care methods are easier and less painful
Now you don't have to hurt anymore. Ask your dentist and find the care and treatment that's right for you.

Source : https://www.dentalalert.gr